Monday, August 24, 2009

ACL Surgery - Week 1

Although I do have a whole other blog devoted to my ACL surgery and recovery, I figured since a week has gone by that I would throw a quick update on this blog. I can tell you that not much has happened in a week.

Day 1: wasn't too bad as for pain because of the nerve block. But that weird feeling of a dead leg and the dragging foot was getting to me by night time. Took Oxycontin for the first time in my life.

Day 2: Between the 20th and 30th hours were the worst for the pain. Yes, I feel my leg again which is why. I've figured out that butt sliding is the best way to go up and down the stairs. I removed the post surgery bandages and got my first look. Not too bad; not too swollen. Still on the Oxy.

Day 3: I'm still on the pain pump. Began anti-inflammatory meds. Swelling looks a little less than yesterday. The stitch that was bleeding has stopped.

Day 4: Today I got a new "quick release" bending brace, I removed the pain pump IV, and I went outside for the first time. Swelling looks the same. Bruising showing up.

Day 5: Swelling the same so is the bruising.

Day 6: Swelling maybe a tad better; the bruising is spreading. Today I left the house to go with the hashers. I even drove my car; which due to the bending brace wasn't hard at all. Getting in and out of the car was the hard part.

Day 7: I've noticed that I don't have a calf muscle anymore. The swelling hasn't changed since yesterday. The bruising is significant on the inside of my knee up my leg.

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