My rotary cutting mat with a lot of fleece stuck in the cuts |
Recently, I've started using more fleece which really gets pushed down in the cuts of my self-healing rotary cutting mat. I decided to take it to the laundry room tub thinking that wetting the material would "loosen" it. This did not work very well so I then scrubbed it with a nylon brush trying to get the material unstuck from the cuts. I decided that I would eventually ruin my mat/scrub off the cutting lines if I kept doing that. Previous to this water scrubbing technique I did Google 'how to clean a rotary cutting mat' and the only advice I could find was to use a sharp blade in my cutter; which is very true, but not the answer I was looking for.
An eraser grabs the material |
One day I was cutting more fleece and the fleece was once again sticking into the mat and I suddenly had a "clever" idea to clean the mat. So over to my desk I bound and grabbed a generic white eraser block. Yeah, the kind you use to erase pencil lines. I rubbed/erased a spot and was in total glee that the eraser grabbed the fleece from the cuts. I danced and skipped around my stacks of fleece and baskets of yarn. Whirling with delight, I just knew I had to share this "secret"... with YOU!
After cleaning the mat with an eraser |
BTW, I totally love my rotary cutter blade sharpener! It rocks and was very well worth the cost (especially if you use a coupon or it's 50% off notions day at Joann's!)
[edit: if you run over a pin and put a nick in your blade, the sharpener will not fix that]
Dritz Dual Rotary Blade Sharpener - a worthy investment! |
I never thought about that, you are so smart. I'm glad you said something about the sharpening tool, I thought I was going to have to go buy a new blade and WAS NOT excited about that. Thanks!
Thank you my mat is really getting bad, so I hope this will work. I really like my blade sharpener. Alice
Clever idea! I definitely need to try this!
Thank you so much from Australia! This worked perfectly and now I will share your brillo idea with my sewing chums! xx
great idea---will have to try it out! thanks for sharing your brilliant idea.
Thank you for this...I was searching for the same- how to get rid of fleece out of my cutting mat!. People like you make my world a wonderful place...Also never knew about the sharpener...great tip. Will be looking out for the next notions sale or I get a coupon!
Thank you for this...I was looking for the same- how to get rid of fleece out of my cutting mat! People like you make my world a wonderful place. Also great tip on the sharpener... did not know that. Will be looking out for the next sale to buy it!
They make special cutting mats for fleece that don't make the lint stick. That might be an idea if you use a lot of it. ;-) I found one at Goodwill for dirt cheap!
@Anonymous - I Googled a fleece cutting mat and only found 1 smallish sized one. That would be fantastic to find full size mat! (48x36")
Thank You so much for this idea! I have been cutting felt on my board and had tried everything to get the fibers out. I went right to my board and tried this and it is wonderful! Thank You again!
Cutting Mats Self Healing
I agree, this was very helpful. I think I'll be giving my mats a bath today! Thank you
graciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas, ya lo voy a probar.
I use a mitten style potholder that is rubber on one side...i have also used the gloves the sell to pet you cat or dog with to gather their fur when shedding...both worked pretty well
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