Friday, December 5, 2008

Knee Surgery Twice on same Knee

Yep, so this sucks. I went in Tuesday morning for my second knee surgery on my left knee. It should be under worker's comp, but they are manipulative little (#()#%)(@Q#! Ok, don't get me started. I'll just try to stick to the obvious. I needed knee surgery again on the same knee that I tore in January and had surgery on in March.

The surgeon told Dave that everything went well and that it was typical for the type of injury that I had reported. I did not talk to Dr A, although he probably stopped by and I was too groggy to respond/care. When I first got home I felt great and got some stuff put away and ran the little carpet vacuum in a few places... the the drugs wore off. Over the next 36 hours I was basically doped up on Vicodin and fell in and out of sleep. Remembering how difficult it was to elevate my leg last time I set up a chaise lounge chair in the living room in advance and was glad I did. I slept quite a bit reclined in the chair with an ice pack on my knee.

I didn't start to really feel better until late yesterday morning after taking an anti-inflammatory. I was instructed not to take it for two days post op because it's a blood thinner. Today is now Friday and I can almost make it down half the stairs in almost a normal looking gait; not fast though. I can now flex my knee to 90 degrees which was impossible even this morning.

I have not taken a Vicodin today and I've also not iced much (my bad; I'm going to do that in a minute).

Two days ago I thought recovery was going to be really bad, now I'm thinking it might be about the same as the first time on the left knee.

I have quite a few little projects lined up for while I'm "relaxing" around the house.
1. The Christmas card (I've already finished Dave's for work)
2. I have got to straighten out this yarn mess
3. I have some sewing to do
4. I have an afghan project to start
5. I have to finish the two scarves that mostly just need blocking
6. I'll label the tool chest so I don't have to open every drawer looking for the pliers
7. My recipe folders really need some updating
8. Catch up with my blog.... which is just about done!

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